The History Of Redemption Church

Below is a brief history of our church

Picture of Redemption Church
Redemption Church is relatively young as churches go. Starting as a Bible study and a fellowship opportunity for those who weren’t attending church for a variety of reasons we quickly outgrew the living room of Pastor Cory and his wife Pam.  We began meeting outside, as it was summer, before Covid hit and forced us into meeting via the Zoom meeting platform.  We we’re able to utilize meeting outside as well as Zoom throughout the unprecedented times we all experienced. Then a like-minded church in Westminster Vermont approached us as they were experiencing decreasing numbers but had a facility that after Gods leading they gifted to Redemption Church in December of 2021. We have been meeting at 1512 Back Westminster Road ever since. It is a great honor to stand on the shoulders of the heritage of the ministry that developed the testimony and facilities we enjoy today! CFC (Christian Family Circle Church) was founded in 1930 by Herbert Allen along with his wife Louise. The Allen family demonstrates to all of us what God can accomplish through a yielded and faithful people.