Bible Study

Weekly Bible Study every Thursday night at 7 pm

Every Thursday night we host a weekly Bible study via Zoom. During this time we expound scripture using an expository method as well as take prayer requests. Click the Zoom Link below to join.

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Children's Ministry

At Redemption Church we love families!  Children are not only the church of tomorrow, they are the church of today!  We have a wonderful and safe environment and provide tools to help parents at their level of comfort in raising their children with a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Our philosophy is simple, God entrusted your child to you, so we view ourselves as a partner to you with a desire to help you in the Spiritual development of your child.  We look forward to meeting you and your children!

Out Reach Ministry

At Redemption Church we strive to make our priorities match up with those of Jesus Christ.  In Luke 19:10 we read “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”  That means we cannot simply only focus on those who are found but also must be a source of hope for those who are still seeking Him!  To do this we offer ministries designed to serve both those who come to church but also to minister to those who do not.  This is in part by partnering with local para-church (ministry orientated organizations that are not churches) ministries such as Branches Pregnancy Resource Center in Brattleboro VT or leveraging our benevolence giving to meet real-life needs our neighbors might have.